Shai Sehtman Shachar

Sehtman Shachar
Former MA student

I hold a B.Sc in psychobiology and an M.A. in psychology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. I am currently a psychologist and organizational consultant at a large organization. Under the supervision of prof. Shoham Choshen-Hillel and prof. Anat Perry I studied the psychological experience of agency, and wrote my thesis on the impact of agency on social preference and decisions.Publications:

Sehtman-Shachar, S., Billig, P. C., Stein, A., & Kaplan, S. (2024). The immediate effects of vision-zero corridor upgrades on pedestrian crashes in New York: a before-and-after spatial point process approach. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 200, 107531

Under review:

Marciano, D.*,  Sehtman-Shachar, S.*, Perry, A., Choshen‐Hillel, S. How agency shapes social preferences: Using mouse-tracking to reveal changes in cognitive conflict (under review).

* denotes equal contribution